We Are Nexus S: Resistance Is Futile
"This weekend, I set aside my G2x and bought my third Nexus S. I'm not bragging, mind you. I certainly can't afford to own three $500 phones (I sold the first two). Quite the opposite, actually: after having recently owned both the G2x and the Atrix, I bought this phone with a feeling of resignation, defeat, and disappointment that I've been unable to find a proper replacement for a phone that launched nearly half a year ago." 
How true. These, among a few other, are the reasons I still carry my Nexus One. For me it is the software more than anything. I will not own an HTC branded phone, I do NOT want Sense. I will not own a Motorola phone as I refuse to use Motoblur. Even Samsung cannot leave well enough alone. Give me stock Android any day. I must admit that I am a hardware spec junkie, so I am willing to accept a few more issues in that area than on the software front but I cannot argue with Chris' point on making it purely a hardware race and letting everything else fall by the wayside. How about you guys? Ever had a phone or device that you just kept coming back to time and time again?