Is This The Coolest Hard Drive You've Ever Seen?
"Omg, I love this! Are you familiar with Flash Rods? They hand build flash drives and hard drives into the coolest cars ever. This time, they've outdone themselves." OK. You will either think this is the coolest thing you've seen in some time, or you will think it's the dumbest idea ever. What you see above is a customized hard drive. Made by Flash Rods, this is a replica of the Delorean time machine from the classic Back to the Future movies. This model offers a useful 500 GB of storage. You have to admit, if you had this sitting on your desk it would be a definite conversation piece. Hit the Read link for some additional views of the, er, drive, and if you have a few spare moments, head on over to the Flash Rods site to see some of their other custom designs.