Pictured: Mango's Linked Inbox And People Live Tiles
"In recent hours two more possible changes have surfaced for the ‘Mango' update to Windows Phone 7. First up, it was leaked via Twitter, that Mango will include a ‘Linked Inbox' capability, which is rumored to be an improvement over the universal inbox technique used by Apple with the iPhone."
A New Zealand media teaser image for Windows Phone Mango shows how the Linked Inbox and People Hub live tiles will appear when Mango hits phones later this year. The Linked Inbox feature is Microsoft's answer to Apple's universal inbox. Where the Linked Inbox differs from Apple's implementation is the user can designate which email accounts is to be aggregated into the Linked Inbox versus an all or nothing approach. Also shown in the press image is the People Hub's live tile which now pulls pictures from additional sources and is able to display different size images.