The World Looks Better Through Google Goggles: Now With More Oooooo!
"Since its launch, we have worked to make Google Goggles faster and more accurate when returning search results for a wide variety of images. Today, we are taking several steps to make Goggles a better and more personal experience." 
The latest update to Google Goggles brings quite a few improvements to better personalize your Google Oogling. Goggles version 1.4 brings with it new features like being able to share your search results, tag your search history with notes to better help you organize the stuff you find, and the ability to submit suggestions to help improve Goggles when it has trouble recognizing your picture. If that weren't enough Google even threw in better business card recognition to help save you time when you meet a new business contact. So what are you waiting for? Go get your Goggles on and start Googling!