WP7 To Beat Android...Really?
"Pyramid Research's Senior Analyst and Practice Leader for Mobile Devices, Stela Bokun, has compiled the firm's latest Smartphone Forecast, which reveals some interesting predictions...Despite the fact that Android will be the mobile OS at the center of surge, Bokun reports that Windows Phone will actually continue to gain marketshare, until it finally replaces Android at the top in 2015." That's a pretty optimistic forecast. Even assuming Apple and Google stand still, it's a tough call to make especially given WP7's current momentum. Speaking as someone with some experience of statistical forecasting, the error rate that far out will be pretty big. On the other hand, I really respect someone who has the guts to put their opinions out there, especially one that goes against the grain.
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."