Gingerbread 2.3.4 May Bring Voice And Video Chat To Android Phones
"The Google I/O rumor mill has been surprisingly calm this year - certainly calmer than it was last year, that's for sure. But a recent tweet from @MAFiA303, who reportedly "works with Samsung," changes that completely - have a look for yourself:" 
This is certainly good news on multiple levels. All has been fairly quiet on the Android for phones front since Honeycomb hit the scene. It's nice to know that there is more OS lovin on the way in the form of some fresh Gingerbread. Speaking of Honeycomb, the addition of video (and I assume voice) calling to Google talk on phones is wonderful. I really love having that option on my Xoom. I've only played with the Video calling once but I have used the voice chat a time or two. I really hope this option comes to my Nexus One even though it doesn't have a front facing camera. I would still like to be able to send video and most of all have voice chats over Google talk. I'm excited! How about you?