Are Pigs Flying? Motorola to Offer Unlockable Bootloader for All Phones?!?!
"The Motorola Locked/Encrypted Bootloader Policy petition was started on the 10th March 2011 and in just over a month has accumulated 8,500 signatures. There has been numerous coverage from Android specific news sites and has even spurred on a Facebook page that has over 500 supporters with the sole purpose of bombarding Motorola’s Facebook page with bootloader questions." 
Irwin, an Austrailian Android user, has started a petition and has gotten 8,500 signatures by people who want an unlocked bootloader from Motorola. It still looks like the carriers could get in the way but here is part of the actual response from Motorola: "It is our intention to enable the unlockable/relockable bootloader currently found on Motorola XOOM across our portfolio of devices starting in late 2011, where carriers and operators will allow it." That sounds pretty good to me! Moto has had plenty of other requests to free their bootloaders as well such as this poll they did on their Facebook page and just maybe all of it has paid off. With the recent news of HTC starting to lock bootloaders could this change of heart by Motorola have some people changing camps with their next phone purchase? Would it make you switch?