Originally Posted by Fritzly
In general I always try to say that the glass is half full and not half empty but consider a "February update" released in May "great news" is a real stretch.
This really doesn't sound to me like a half-full guy talking. Considering that the Feb-update wasn't of any importance to consumers (no features/fixes, just a update-preparation) and we have still April a half-full perspective would be that it's a March update delivered in April.
Originally Posted by Fritzly
to me is just a big failure compared to what MS initially announced as their update strategy for WP7.
They certainly blundered on the timeline but in this special case it really seems that there was a problem with the Surround which popped up in the tests. Personally I think that it was the right decisicion to iron-out all the small problems encountered with the update process first and wait a few more weeks.
Certainly I would have liked the update earlier and I expect MS to learn from this first update so that the next will happen i a more timely fashion but it wasn't really a big deal for me to wait a few weeks more (it's much harder to wait till Mango will be released  ). Sooner or later all devices will have received the free update. If you think of Android and how many devices never (or with far bigger delays) receive an update, I think MS did not such a bad job. Not to mention Windows Mobile where we hardly ever got an update.