Fastec's TS3Cine Records 720p at 720fps
"Unlike Casio's cameras, which cut the resolution to little more than thumbnail-size as you crank the frame rate, the TS3Cine does 720p video at 720fps, and 1280 x 1024 at 500fps. It's only when you further slow down the video (up to 20,000fps) that the image size starts to shrink." 
Want real high-speed footage instead of pseudo slo-mo provided by software plugins? Here is an option, courtesy of Fastec. The TS3Cine does 720p HD video at 720 FPS, and chews up 8GB of storage in 13 seconds while doing so. Comes in C-mount or F-mount (that's the Nikon mount), with an optional PL mount for mounting all your cine or adapted lenses. Of course, a hardware solution like this is going to cost, so instead of the US$300 for the software plugin, prepare to fork out a cool US$30,000 for the camera instead. Or you can rent it at US$625 a day if you're lucky enough to be in the Boston area.
Baka. Soku. Zan. - The justice behind the dysORDer.