Nook Color To Get Flash And Android Apps In April?
"While plenty of people have "rooted" their Nook Colors with custom firmware that allows them to access the Android Market and download applications, most Nook Color buyers have stuck with the official firmware that came with the device." 
This is definitely one of those, "it's about time" things. Given that the Nook has always ran a custom version of Android and the Nook Color has been hacked six ways to Sunday, further proving the device capable of such feats. This move only makes sense and can only bring more customers their way. Though it doesn't look like it will be stock Android or even the official Android Market, it will still be nice to have a bit more of the power of this device unlocked. Any Nook Color owners out there (who haven't hacked their device) excited about this news? Or maybe a better question... Are there any of you who haven't already hacked your Nooks? 