Carriers Point Fingers At Microsoft For NoDo Delay
"Two European Windows Phone 7 carriers have confirmed to WinRumors that Microsoft is the source of some NoDo delays. UK operator Vodafone went on record on Thursday to claim that updates for the Vodafone HTC 7 Trophy and LG Optimus 7 have “been approved by Vodafone and will be distributed by Microsoft in due course.” Vodafone were not able to provide an exact date for the push but confirmed “as soon as we know this is available to our customers, we will post the info on our eForum.” While European carriers seem to be generally more responsive on ROM updates historically (at least in my experience), I don't wonder if this is just reflexive finger pointing in the wake of MS actually doing something in consumer's best interest - posting update status. Who knows when Vodaphone actually finished testing - it could have been 2 days ago - and in that case, MS is well within their ten day scheduling window. Let the petty bickering start, I suppose.
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts