Can Amazon Take On The Tablet?
"It would be foolish not to include Amazon on the list of potentially huge players in the tablet industry. While the company is still only selling simple Kindle e-readers, Amazon has quietly built all the tools it needs to compete against Apple and the other tablet makers with its own Android-based tablets." 
Amazon has seen alot. It has survived dot com bubbles, Web 2.0 and an increasingly digital economy. It has come a long way from its history of selling books. Will Amazon expand beyond its digital storefront into hardware? It already has its feet wet with the Kindle, which is doing fairly well, despite competition from other ebook readers and tablets. It also has the infrastructure to handle a massive amount of data and sales. It would not be a stretch for the company to come out with a more powerful Kindle like device and release it to the masses. With the services that Amazon offers, it could potentially go toe-to-toe with iTunes in terms of features and services. Would you be interested in an Amazon tablet? Would a Kindle+ make your wallet lighter?