03-24-2011, 01:33 PM
Executive Editor, Android Thoughts
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Microsoft Gives Us An Update Schedule
"This table provides update status for Windows Phone customers in the U.S. Find your phone model, then check to see what stage your update is in." 
In the list of Smart Ideas I Never Thought I'd See Microsoft Implement, this schedule above surely ranks near the top. For years all I've wanted (and I suspect others have too) is just to know that an update is in the works, and maybe approximately where it is. With carriers given iron curtain-like secrecy about their timing, it almost seemed as if Microsoft was complacent in their partner's delays. This sends a clear signal: Carrier partners - Get your acts together, because now everyone knows that it isn't Microsoft that's holding up the update for X phone, it's the carrier who apparently doesn't care if you get the functionality soon or not so soon. Congratulations Microsoft, you've taken your case to the people.
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts

03-24-2011, 02:04 PM
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 33
2 updates being blocked...
I thought the carrier could only block one update. AT&T is now blocking two updates for my phone.

03-24-2011, 02:43 PM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 554
Well, I did have high hopes that MS would do updates independently, without carriers extrusion. But I guess it is still same 'ol story. Carriers have to stick their crapware into update, and will take their time to do that. MS should really consider to bring updates directly to the customers, without interface of AT&Ts of the world.
You create your opportunities by asking for them

03-24-2011, 03:13 PM
Contributing Editor
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 109
Hmmmmm, It looks like the only way to get NoDo on AT&T is to buy the HD7S. Thanks AT&T. What a coincidence. Can't wait for you to control all GSM phones in the U.S.

03-24-2011, 04:00 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 740
I have a "SIM free", "Unbranded" HTC HD7 therefore this chart does not apply to me; I went to check the "Gobal" one and a quick comparison between the US and the Global ones clearly shows how US Carriers are interested to their customers. Check by yourself:
Where's my phone update? | Windows Phone 7
It is very sad that US customers have to at the mercy of the "carriers racket" and even worse that even MS bent over and forget the early promises of a direct from MS to customers update system.
As it was with WM X.XX the only way to have hopes for prompt updates is to buy devices on the open market......
Last edited by Fritzly; 03-24-2011 at 04:03 PM..

03-24-2011, 05:40 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 274
Originally Posted by Fritzly
I have a "SIM free", "Unbranded" HTC HD7 therefore this chart does not apply to me; I went to check the "Gobal" one and a quick comparison between the US and the Global ones clearly shows how US Carriers are interested to their customers. Check by yourself:
Where's my phone update? | Windows Phone 7
It is very sad that US customers have to at the mercy of the "carriers racket" and even worse that even MS bent over and forget the early promises of a direct from MS to customers update system.
As it was with WM X.XX the only way to have hopes for prompt updates is to buy devices on the open market......
You're right but the sad truth is for US customers there are no open market phones available that will work fully ie with 3G on any US network. I have always tried to buy carrier free devices but recently OEM's have been confining their unbranded devices to Euro/World 3G frequencies so with WP7 there was no choice. That is why I am eagerly awating Nokia's WP7 devices because unless they do a major U-turn their penta band unlocked devices would be the answer to this mess for me. The only device that comes to mind would be the Euro Dell venue pro but I already bought the US version thinking it would be treated as a carrier free device as T-Mo did not carry it. And that has not turned out well, least of all for update issues.
Back to being The Last Windows Mobile Fanboy - now with a Dell Venue Pro!

03-24-2011, 06:02 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 740
Originally Posted by efjay
You're right but the sad truth is for US customers there are no open market phones available that will work fully ie with 3G on any US network. I have always tried to buy carrier free devices but recently OEM's have been
Yes you are right: my HD2 Europe radios) did not allow me to use T-Mobile 3G network. Said that if AT&T will complete the announced take over I guess that the 1700 Mhz frequence used by T-Mobile will disappear.
Furthermore, but take it with a grain if salt, a friend of mine bought a HD7 from T-Mobile in the US, he paid it in full and therefore he also received an unlock code to use it as a "SIM free" device; he broght it in Italy and he is able to use the local 3G network; I do not know why but it does shows 3G in the display and the downloading speed confirmed that.

03-24-2011, 10:31 PM
Contributing Editor
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Posts: 2,503
Fritzly, that's likely because the phone has two bands, one which will work with T-Mobile, and one which will work with European bands.
Baka. Soku. Zan. - The justice behind the dysORDer.

03-24-2011, 10:43 PM
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 70
I suppose AT&T could say that they're not technically blocking any updates right now. They're just approving them very slowly.

03-26-2011, 02:31 PM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 170
Originally Posted by Fritzly
I have a "SIM free", "Unbranded" HTC HD7 therefore this chart does not apply to me; I went to check the "Gobal" one and a quick comparison between the US and the Global ones clearly shows how US Carriers are interested to their customers. Check by yourself:
Where's my phone update? | Windows Phone 7
It is very sad that US customers have to at the mercy of the "carriers racket" and even worse that even MS bent over and forget the early promises of a direct from MS to customers update system.
As it was with WM X.XX the only way to have hopes for prompt updates is to buy devices on the open market......
I was about to ask, "what about Canada". Thanks for posting this link but after reading the description of the different stages, shouldn't the chart for Rogers Canada read, "February-Scheduling, March-Delivering"?
Canadian Road Warrior