The Samsung Galaxy S WiFi Now The Galaxy Player: Coming This Spring In 4 and 5-Inch Varieties
"Remember the Galaxy Player (or Galaxy S WiFi) we saw back at MWC?" I honestly wasn't sure if we'd ever see this device here in the states but it appears that ol' Sammy has plans to bring them to us this spring. It is nice that there will will be both a 4-inch and a 5-inch version to choose from when they arrive. The devices will be shipping with Android 2.2 (upgradeable to 2.3) and sporting both front and rear facing cameras, WiFi,*Bluetooth, and GPS. These still sound like a wonderful device for those out there who really want the joy of a smart phone without the daunting monthly data fees. And what with Qik and Skype preloaded (Skype is preloaded on the 4-inch only) the Galaxy Players could be pretty nice communication devices as well. Check out the link to Engadget for detailed specs and the full press release.