Review: Sprint HTC Arrive
"HTC often likes to highlight "firsts" in its marketing messages. While the days leading up to the launch of HTC's Arrive are noticeably devoid of any relevant advertising, Sprint and HTC could have easily kept the "first" theme alive had they chosen to raise awareness. The Arrive is Sprint's first device to run Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 mobile operating system. In fact, it's the first modern Windows Phone in the world compatible with a CDMA network. Finally, HTC's Arrive is also the first phone to launch with Microsoft's "NoDo" update for Windows Phone 7 - a prerequisite for CDMA compatibility. But do all these firsts add up to a first-class smartphone experience, or are Sprint customers better off waiting to see what's announced next week at CTIA before making any buying decisions?" 
The wait for Windows Phone 7 is nearly over for all you Sprint users out there! Are you excited? Zach Epstein at BGR put together a pretty good review here. He goes into pretty good detail on the hardware, and talks about some of the changes in the 'Nodo' update. Some good, some less than good. But overall, he really likes this phone. Does he recommend that you get it? Well, I guess you'll just have to read his review... I'm very excited to finally see CDMA devices for WP7, and we expect to see Verizon jump on board in the next few weeks. But I'm concerned that Sprint has chosen a physical keyboard for their only option. Most people love the onscreen keyboard in WP7 and are looking for smaller, slimmer devices. I can only hope that they quickly add other options to their line-up very soon. People like variety. I think that's been the biggest problem with T-Mobile's rollout. Just one option in the HD7. Kudos to AT&T for bringing in three different manufacturers with HTC, Samsung, and LG and a variety of form factors. This leaves me asking two questions. Is there a need for a physical keyboard anymore? If so, what do you primarily use it for? If not, does Sprint have another Windows Phone coming down the pipes? Tell us what you think.