03-16-2011, 02:30 AM
Contributing Editor-in-Training
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 33
Update: Zune is Alive and Well!

Okay, clearly we've all jumped the gun and read far too much into the article our friends at Bloomberg posted yesterday. Zune is NOT dead and is clearly alive and well, according to Dave Mclauchlan, Senior Business Development Manager for Zune Hardware. "I've had tweets, emails, PMs and phone calls. People offering condolences, checking in on me, etc... etc... Stop, stop, stop!" stated Mr. McLauchlan in a post earlier today. Sorry Zune, we didn't mean to communicate your time-of-death prior to your heart actually being stopped. Really, we didn't. That said, I have to believe that the Zune hardware has to evolve. Its latest hardware release, the Zune HD, is an older one (18 months old) and is in desperate need of new applications. While its probably the best sounding and overall portable music and video experience on the market, its content needs to evolve or it needs to die as a hardware platform. Microsoft is clear that the Zune hardware platform for this year is Windows Phone 7. That's the right message. The Windows Phone platform has content and thriving marketplace of over 10,000 applications and games, subscription music and video galore. If Microsoft is truly going to succeed in the portable media player market they need to evolve the Zune Media player platform to consume applications, games and content from the same marketplace. Music. Check. Video. Check. Applications. Not so much. Hopefully over the next few months Microsoft will become more clear how the Zune hardware platform will evolve, but I'm glad to hear that I shouldn't be laying my lovely silver Zune to rest any time soon.

03-16-2011, 02:38 AM
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 16
Phone is the platform?
How dumb is that. How about a mini zune, and a waterproof zune? Man I hope something comes along in the hardware department. And I still don't know ANY kids that even know what Zune is.

03-16-2011, 04:44 AM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 190
Originally Posted by jimmyfal
How dumb is that. How about a mini zune, and a waterproof zune? Man I hope something comes along in the hardware department. And I still don't know ANY kids that even know what Zune is.
Alive? perhaps, just like Linux as a mainstream consumer OS.
Well? Not so much .. . 

03-16-2011, 07:41 AM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 554
Originally Posted by jimmyfal
How dumb is that. How about a mini zune, and a waterproof zune? Man I hope something comes along in the hardware department. And I still don't know ANY kids that even know what Zune is.
I am all for waterproof Zune! 
You create your opportunities by asking for them

03-16-2011, 01:33 PM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 2
Need more
These unofficial statements are great and all but Microsoft needs to make an official announcement on the future of Zune now. Every major news source has posted on the demise of Zune now thanks to the rumor from Bloomberg and very little if anything has came out of Microsoft through official channels to challenge the rumor. The only statements concerning the issue have been made through forums and social networking sites. They are kicking themselves in the but unless they get aggressive about this issue soon.

03-16-2011, 05:03 PM
Contributing Editor-in-Training
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 33
A waterproof Zune it is!! What more does one need? The problem with the Zune isn't hardware and it isn't technology. We see this so much these days that companies are developing technology that has limited application or developer push behind it. Microsoft needs to learn from Apple on the consumer side of things. Please, please Microsoft make a Zune device that will consume all of applications and games that are delivered for Windows Phone 7. With a sister hardware device solely focused on media, Microsoft has a good chance. Imagine a smaller PSP-like device that you can play XBOX games on and have your media and applications too. What kid would want an iPod then?
I let you determine that for yourself.

03-17-2011, 12:06 AM
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 167
What I don't understand is how the Sansa, Coby, Sony MP3 players continue to exist, with a myriad of models and many form factors, but it's so hard for Microsoft to maintain a few on the market, mainly just online? Can't they just accept the fact that Zune can/will remain a #2 and produce (on a smaller scale) a couple of models? Maybe make them really cheap and you've got a nice alternative?

03-17-2011, 06:56 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 190
Originally Posted by Alber1690
What I don't understand is how the Sansa, Coby, Sony MP3 players continue to exist, with a myriad of models and many form factors, but it's so hard for Microsoft to maintain a few on the market, mainly just online? Can't they just accept the fact that Zune can/will remain a #2 and produce (on a smaller scale) a couple of models? Maybe make them really cheap and you've got a nice alternative?
On the one hand I agree, but on the other it is pretty clear that the 'dedicated MP3 player' has run its course, and is now fast becoming a niche market.

03-17-2011, 11:01 PM
Editorial Contributor
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 5,411
Yea, the dedicated PMP market is dead. I personally would much prefer using my phone for music when exercising, doing yard work, riding a bike. That way when the device breaks I can pay the full price, $500-$600, to get a new phone, considering I have to pay for the service monthly whether I have a device or not. I would much rather get my kids an expensive, battery sucking, memory poor, smartphone that comes with a monthly data plan, complete with exhorbitant overage charges, to enjoy media and games. That way when they loose or break it, I can continue to pay the phone plan.
Sometimes you are the anteater, sometimes you are the ant.

03-18-2011, 12:25 AM
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 190
Originally Posted by Sven
Yea, the dedicated PMP market is dead. I personally would much prefer using my phone for music when exercising, doing yard work, riding a bike. That way when the device breaks I can pay the full price, $500-$600, to get a new phone, considering I have to pay for the service monthly whether I have a device or not. I would much rather get my kids an expensive, battery sucking, memory poor, smartphone that comes with a monthly data plan, complete with exhorbitant overage charges, to enjoy media and games. That way when they loose or break it, I can continue to pay the phone plan.
Haha ... I love it! And so true!
Being 'dead' doesn't mean non-existent. I listen to music in my car, and personally think the iPod Touch (and by extension the iPhone) is the worst iPod Apple has ever made due to lack of no-look capabilities. Same goes for my Android phone. So I have a nice little 4GB 1st gen iPod Nano that handles those capabilities ...