I'm Too Pretty For My Android Phone
"Frank Meehan has a message for makers of Android handsets and tablets: Stop focusing on elite early adopter customers and start thinking about what the cool kids want. 'If you go to a nightclub in any city in the world, the pretty girl has an iPhone or a BlackBerry,' Meehan told Mashable at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. 'She doesn't have an Android phone. She has no emotional attachment to an Android phone. It's too complicated. It's a geek device, it's all wrong.'" 
Hmmm...apparently just because I'm a girl, I should not be geek enough to own an Android phone according to Frank Meehan, CEO of INQ. Well, Frank, I think you have it wrong. I have never owned an iPhone or Blackberry (not that there is anything wrong with them) and I'm fairly geeky. I play Dominion (thanks P-town friends!), lust over new technology (When is the Xperia Play coming out?), can sorta fix a computer as well as do some basic code writing (HTML, hahahah), just started watching all the Star Trek Next Generation episodes on DVD (thanks hun, you are going to pay for it later), and I can read binary clocks. Oh ya, and don't forget, I help write up news posts on everyone's favorite Android site, Android Thoughts. Ya, all that might not be enough to consider me an uber-geek but I think it qualifies enough to be able to understand how to use an Android device. And I know lots of other females out there who are just as devoted to our little green friend (shout out to the girls (and guys) in the Ravelry.com Android group). So Frank I leave you with this; a quote from one of my favorite (and geeky) shows, Stargate SG-1. Captain Samantha Carter said, "And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle."