Watch Out! Angry Birds Flying Your Way!
"Flock yeah! Angry Birds, the smash-hit smartphone game, is headed for Marketplace—and that’s for starters. Microsoft today announced its new spring lineup of games for the phone and it includes titles that I’m sure are on many of your wish lists." 
I have been looking forward to this. While I like the game, I haven't been yearning to play it. But it wasn't too long ago that Rovio didn't seem like they were in too much of a hurry to bring Angry Birds to the Windows Phone platform. Seeing this is a good indicator that the growth of the Windows Phone Marketplace is something that developers are finding hard to ignore. Angry Birds is just one the games that was announced in Microsoft's 6 "Must Have Games" that are set for release starting on April 6th. Check the link for the other great games.