Twitter Brings Down The Banhammer On Twidroyd: Also Insults Its Mother
"Regardless of how you access Twitter, we are dedicated to making Twitter better, faster and more reliable for you. As part of this effort, we ask applications that work with Twitter to abide by a simple set of rules that we believe are in the interests of our users, and the health and vitality of the Twitter platform as a whole. We often take actions to enforce these rules." Well, ain't that a slap in the face? Recently Twitter has become slightly more "aggressive" at defending its properties. Recent events like forcing Twitter clients to change their names because they had some vague similarity to "Twitter". Well now they have banned software developer UberMedia from accessing the Twitter APIs. This completly shut down the ability to use Twidroyd for Android and UberTwitter for iPhone and Blackberry. According to Twitter, they " suspend hundreds of applications that are in violation of our policies" every day but this was such a high profile ban that they were nice enough to post a message about it. According to UberMedia the issues have been fixed and an update is on its way to the Market. The original Twitter post has also been updated to confirm that UberMedia has been given access to the APIs again and that updated software versions are on the way. Honestly, I haven't used Twidroyd since the official Twitter app came out. Any one out there still using Twidroyd get bitten by this little ban?