Schmidt Talks "Desserts" at Windows Mobile Congress
"Eric Schmidt didn't give a ton of details about the future of Android during his MWC 2011 keynote, but he did drop one interesting tidbit: the next version of Android will "start with an I, be named after a dessert" and combine Gingerbread for phones and Honeycomb for tablets into a cohesive whole." 
You may have heard rumors floating around about the next version of Android being "Ice Cream" or "Ice Cream Sandwich". So, at Mobile World Congress Eric Schmidt didn't exactly confirm that but he did say it would be a dessert that starts with the letter "I". He also said it will combine elements of the tablet specific version of Android, Honeycomb, with the latest phone specific version of Android, Gingerbread. The only comment he made on timing was that updates have been happening on a six month cycle. So if that's six months from Gingerbread I guess we're looking at May. If it's six months from Honeycomb we'll see when that's actually released. Right now I'm excited about Gingerbread and I like Google's overall plan! Do you like the direction Google is going with their releases of Android?