LG Optimus Pad 3D Video In Action
"Does the world really need 3D mobile devices? No, but companies are going to keep putting them out. That's why the LG Optimus Pad, announced at MWC 2011, garnered so much attention today." 3D video recording on a tablet/phone may just be the ultimate in "Why? Because I can". Personally I cannot think of a single situation were recording video in the old school red/green 3D would provide any real benefit. Would I do it if I could? Probably. Would I go out of my way to buy a device capable of it? Probably not. The capability of recording true 3D video on a mobile device is very cool for sure but it may be just a bit too gimmicky to really sell a device. What about you? Any of you guys who can't wait to get some 3D on your next mobile device? Click through for a video of the device in action.