TA Maps 2 Now Available On The WP7 Marketplace
"TA Maps is a mapping solution that uses sources like Google Maps and OpenStreetMap and gives better coverage in many parts of the world than Bing Maps." 
If you have heard in the past about the TA Maps app, which was pitched as Google Maps for Windows Phone 7, then this development may be quite exciting for you. To use the original version you would have needed a jailbroken phone, and I'm sure none of our readers would have had one (ahem). This new version is available in the Marketplace. It looks like it is very full featured, including: - Scrollable/zoomable maps
- Street/satellite views
- GPS location tracking
- Search
- Favorite locations
- Driving mode (keeps map centered on GPS location)
- GPS sensitivity settings
- Smoothly restores your last map view and pushpins
If you have some experience with this app, please let us know in the comments how you think it compares with Bing Maps.