Originally Posted by Lee Yuan Sheng
HVGA is like going backwards. My views are probably coloured here, but with iPhone adoption rates as high as 50% here, I don't see why MS should move on to 800x480 as mid-range and pushing for even higher resolutions and screen sizes.
It's all about cost. There are only so many people who are going to buy a $600 phone (if it's unsubsidised). HVGA screens are still expensive, as are the CPUs/GPUs that need to go with them. I bet an OEMs can build an HVGA phone with a 600 Mhz processor and hit the $299 price point and have it still feel as fast as the phones we have today.
I doubt anyone here would buy one, but there's a large untapped market of phone buyers who would be interested in a "step up" smartphone that has all the same software features but costs less.
As for pushing higher with resolution, until we see 1600 x 960 screens, I think we'll be at WVGA for a long while. I don't see Microsoft breaking the platform by moving to a completely different resolution.