Don't Bet On Upgrades When You Buy Your Phone
"Motorola's dangled an Android 2.1 upgrade in front of CLIQ XT users for what seems like forever -- now it's putting away the bait indefinitely. In a statement released this morning, the company said that despite months of rigorous testing, the phone will remain on Android 1.5." 
I love my Droid X. I think Motorola did an excellent job on it and it's been an amazing device for me. But I've got to say, this is really low of Motorola to tell people the upgrade is coming, undoubtedly sell devices based on the expectation of the upgrade, and then cancel the upgrade plans. I would definitely buy another Motorola device because of my experience with my Droid X but this is the kind of thing that can really turn people off the a specific manufacturer. This is a good reminder to make sure you're happy with what you're getting and not to buy based on promises of future updates. Have you been burned by not getting an upgrade you were expecting? Are you happy with the device as is or would you not have bought it if you knew that upgrade was not going to be released?