Verizon Throttling The Top 5% of Bandwidth Users
"According to a PDF memo available on Verizon Wireless' website (for now), the company will begin to throttle the data-throughput speeds of customers that consume an "extraordinary amount of data" and "seamlessly" optimize content for smartphones." 
Interesting that Verizon's capacity management process/restrictions "may" be implemented for data users that are in the top 5% of all customers in terms of usage. There is a large gray area as to what constitutes abuse of the network. If a user takes advantage of some of Verizon's media offerings, and uses a lot of bandwidth in the process, should they be penalized (throttled)? I haven't seen Verizon's contracts, but if a user contracts for "unlimited" use, and isn't doing anything illegal or unethical, should they be penalized? I wonder if this is an issue in countries with much higher bandwidth available, like South Korea or Sweden. Thoughts, readers? Should Verizon be threatening this?
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." Albert Einstein