Comparing the PlayBook, Streak 7, iPad and Xoom
"Now that we've seen whats coming for Android tablets, the battle is on-we even think they're better than the iPad in many ways. For a more detailed breakdown, here's a comparison between the iPad, Xoom, Streak, and Playbook tablets." 
A very visual comparison of the pretenders to the throne, with the iPad being again in the bullseye. A very telling stat not shown here, but in the linked article, is that the Blackberry Tablet OS has about 4,000 available apps, Android 2.2 about 200,000, and the iOS about 300,000. To me, the ecosystem is still amongst the most important features, and one commenter makes a good point that we should be counting "quality" apps, and not just raw numbers of apps. User experience (implementation of features) is not measured here, a very subjective experience that can make or break a device. Finally, one commenter makes a good point that only two of the four of these products compared are "real." The PlayBook and the Xoom are still yet to be released, so the comparison is really between shipping products (iPad and Streak 7) versus what may (or may not) be in the final released products. But still an informative read.
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." Albert Einstein