Mobile Apps: Use Once, Discard?
"Mobile device users are acquiring ever more discretion about the Apps they use, with 26 percent of Apps only ever getting used once after being downloaded." 
Pretty interesting statistic from Localytics, that in Q4 of 2010 (per their numbers), 28% of the apps on Android, iOS, Blackberry and Windows Phone were used once, and then never again. This makes a case for having trials available for -every- app, not just limited functionality or lite free versions, that often don't resemble the commercial version. "Try-it/Buy-It" is preferable to "Buy-it/Try-it/Hate-it/Delete-It." A good example from my iPhone is a dozen or so camera apps, of which I regularly use maybe two or three.*
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." Albert Einstein