Wanted: A Smart Standardized Dock
"There is, of course, one big problem with that vision: it only works if every phone is compatible with every dock. There's no point in carrying around just your phone if the likelihood that the place you're headed is going to have a compatible dock is small. So I'd like to propose that somebody (yes, it should probably be Google) put together a standard webtop OS and dock connector so that we can use any phone with any dock." 
For a long time I've wanted to see smartphones have the ability to dock and become "full" computers. It makes sense - why carry a laptop, a tablet, and a smartphone: Carry 1 with a small external screen it can connect to, and have docks at your desks, and you're all set. Seems easy, however my fear is that as OEMs start to say "Yea, sounds good" they do exactly what the writer above fears: proprietary docks. Come on all, standardize and make a great product that actually changes how I work, instead of complicating it!
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts