Happy 27th Birthday Mac
"Happy Birthday to the Mac! Apple introduced the very first Macintosh on January 24, 1984, beginning an era that is still going strong 27 years later." 
Check out these specs folks: - 8 MHz processor;
- 128kb of RAM;
- 9″ black and white display with a 512×342 resolution;
- 3.5″ disk drive
And for the paltry sum of $2,495.00 USD it could all have been yours. Wow. Pretty incredible how far we have come isn't it?
iPhone 4, 1.6 GHz Core 2 Duo MacBook Air, Apple TV, 2.66GHz Intel C2D Mac Mini, 1TB TC, Airport Extreme,several iPods and an iPad, 32GB Wi-Fi version. Follow me on Twitter.