HTC to Join the Tablet Party
"A Digitimes report, citing unnamed sources, said that the Taiwanese smartphone maker will start shipping a tablet in the U.S. market in March called "the Flyer" running version 2.3 of Google's (NASDAQ:GOOG) Android platform. Users will be able to upgrade the device to Android version 3.0, or Honeycomb, which is optimized for tablets, the report said, adding that HTC plans to release more Honeycomb tablets in June." 
As the maker of some of major flagship Android phones like the Nexus One, Evo 4G, and Droid Incredible it was surprising to me that HTC didn't seem interested in making a tablet. Now it's clear they're very serious about tablets and perhaps wisely taking their time to release some well refined tablets. I know there are many HTC fans out there who will be excited to see what they come up with. Were you planning to buy a Xoom or other tablet before this announcement? Will this announcement make you wait to see what HTC has up their sleeve?