Are iPhone Users The Most Loyal?
"Apple's iPhone users are the most loyal to their product, according to a new survey conducted by market research firm Zokem." This study ranks customer loyalty, but doesn't describe their methodology or sample size. They do mention that Apple has the lowest "churn rate," or customers buying a competing product, with Google in second place. The study goes on to show that Google (do they really mean Android?) has the highest re-purchase rate, at 89 percent, followed by Apple, at 85 percent. A disclaimer at the end states that these numbers were tabulated before Verizon's announcement on the iPhone. The bottom line appears to be that iPhone users keep their iPhones, and Android users keep their Android devices. I'm a bit surprised that Blackberry users don't rank higher, as they seem to be a pretty loyal bunch. Or, is it that their companies mandate the mobile device that they carry?
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." Albert Einstein