Can the Nook Color Compete?
"The device sold well and launched B&N into the emedia segment. But, using the e-ink display had its drawbacks. Page load times are noticeably slow, magazines and newspapers looked disappointing at best, and there was still a vast amount of information and content to be consumed that an e-ink display simply cannot bring to the table Fast forward to today and they decided to give users another choice in the market, the Nook Color ($250)." 
The world is more than Kindles, iPads and cheap Android tablets. Barnes & Noble has their own line of eReaders with their most recent model being the Nook Color. It kind of straddles the line between an eReader and a tablet being an Android based device and offering a colour screen. Does aspiring to be more make it lose its focus? I do think that one of the most notable features of the Nook (and a select few other eReaders) is the ability to "loan" books from your local library. Yes, that library. While the Internet now gets piped into almost every household and streets everywhere, the Library is still a great fountain of knowledge and has managed to take advantage of some of what the Internet has to offer. The ability to loan out books means that you suddenly have access to a huge wealth of information that does not exist (at least not yet) on the Internet. Couple that with buying books, and Android's web browser, the Nook Color certainly is compelling as an information device.