Will My New MacBook Air Make Me a Real Fiction Writer?
"One quality I think is endemic amongst all would-be (but probably won't-be) anythings is a passionate belief in gadgets being able to transcend their own lack of talent, intelligence or discipline. At least, that's certainly been true for me... which is probably why I'm a professional writer more by luck than by resolve. It's strange, then, that after fifteen years I've finally found the perfect writer's machine in the new 11.6-inch MacBook Air. It fuses together both the best software and hardware of which a writer could ever dream, while boasting all of the slender and effortless portability of a composition journal. It is a writer's terminal in the purest sense: with its excellent battery life, ephemeral weight, satisfying keyboard and instant-on capabilities, the new MacBook Air is perfectly suited to be the nexus into the inner chaos of my own thoughts, feelings, hang-ups, pretensions and emotions as a blank page." 
Very amusing read! "I want to write fiction, but the tools keep holding me back," is I what I took out of this, where the author bemoans the fact that with the sublime MacBook Air, the excuse has vanished, after many years of trying different computers. What seems to be implied here is that the real perfect tool would be the computer that manages to extract thoughts directly from the brain, and capture them in read-to-go story format. This hits pretty close to home, as I've tried writing science fiction stories over the years, and have always managed to find excuses to try to explain away why nothing ever made it past a couple pages. I too have a MacBook Air, and great Scrivener software, so I guess that this pokes giant holes in my remaining excuses as well. So, readers, look for excellent new works of fiction coming from a variety of new sources, and many apparently coming from MacBook Air computers.
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." Albert Einstein