Sony-Ericsson Waffling Over Windows Phone 7
"'We've done a lot of work with Microsoft over the years. We've launched a number of 6.xx products, but we made a decision not to bring a product to market in the first wave. We absolutely maintain to keep an open mind towards Windows Phone 7. We continue to engage in a relationship with Microsoft, but we haven't made any concrete announcement about when and how we would introduce Windows Phone 7 into the portfolio.'" That sounds awfully like corporate speak for - "We didn't do that well with Windows Mobile, so we're sitting this one out until it's clear Windows Phone 7 is a hit". Can't blame SE for their attitude on this, as they simply don't have the resources to take a chance on an unproven OS, even if it does have Microsoft behind it. To be fair though, SE took so long bringing the Xperia X1 to the market, it was a non-starter out of the gate. And if WP7 does turn out popular, they'll be late to this party too.
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."