Fix Your Computer Boo Boos With Comodo Time Machine
"Comodo Time Machine (CTM) is a simple but powerful system rollback utility that lets users quickly restore their computer to an earlier point of time. Unlike Windows System Restore (WSR), CTM creates a complete record of your entire system including the Windows registry, critical OS files, installed programs and user created documents with seconds. Oh, and best of all, it's absolutely free (as in beer)." We have all come across this problem before. Your friend, relative or co-worker calls you up and tells you that their computer is not working. On promises of cookies, money or whatever else they are willing to barter, you check out their setup and find it severely messed up. One of the most handy tools I have found in those situations is System Restore. Born out of the unmentionable Windows ME, it is a great way to rewind mistakes. From the looks of it, Time Machine takes things a step further and gives you a bit more control over the restore process. Of course, no matter what you use, more important is a backup of your data on a separate medium. Do not forget that or one day you may find your hard drive clicking for attention.