How Much Are You Willing to Pay for Future-Proofing?
"Best Buy just announced their latest program, designed to protect your investment. Instead of being stuck with an item, Best Buy will buy your item back from, providing you with in-store credit on a Best Buy gift card. There is an additional cost when you originally purchase the item, which varies based on the purchased. It’s also only available on certain items like laptops, netbooks, tablets, and items of that nature."
I looked at the details and I can't see a single situation where this would make much sense except to the laziest of consumers. For laptops, netbooks, and tablets, the program costs $69.99 and what you get back ranges from 50% for the first 6 months to 20% after 18 months. So, going low end, buy a $400 netbook. At 6 months you'd get $200 back, factor in the $69.99 you paid to enroll in the program and only net $130.01. At 18 months you'd get $80 back, factor in the $69.99 you paid to enroll in the program and only net $11.01. Or try going high end and buy a $2,000 laptop. At 6 months you'd get $1000 back, factor in the $69.99 you paid to enroll in the program and only net $930.01. At 18 months you'd get $400 back, factor in the $69.99 you paid to enroll in the program and only net $329.99. In all these cases I'd think you could easily do better reselling the item yourself. Heck on the netbook at 18 months, you'd probably do better at a pawn shop than you would with this deal.