Lifehackers Guide To Net Neutrality
"We've dropped the net neutrality term around here a few times, but you may not entirely understand what it's all about. Here's a primer on what net neutrality is, how it might affect you, and what you can do about it." Net neutrality has been big news recently with the FCC voting in new net neutrality rules. But how does it affect you, the consumer? Will you now have to pay more to yourt ISP to access your Netflix movies as well as the cost of the Netflix service as well? Will certain websites be unavailable to you because you've chosen the budget option for your internet connection? If you're not sure how it works or even have questions about what it is, then Lifehacker has a nice article explaining what net neutrality is about, what the new rule changes are and how they may affect you. It's one subject we should all be aware of because it will affect us all in some way in the future, most likely in our pockets.