Facebook For Android Updated: Now With Chat And Push Notifications!
"Facebook for Android has finally added Facebook chat to the official app. Now would be a good time for you to look out the window to double-check if the skies have fallen or playing host to a traffic jam of flying pigs." 
Well, here's something no one expected. Facebook finally added chat support to the native Android client. I am not one to use Facebook chat but it is a nice option to have. As a note, I had trouble with it hanging a bit until it managed to enable Facebook chat on the desktop web site. And yes, if you have chat disabled on the desktop site opening it in the mobile app will sign you on the next time you launch the full web. Though you can choose to go offline from your phone. The only real problem I've found so far with it is that while it displays a notification in the bar it does not actually make any noise. So unless you are looking at your phone you don't see the chat message and if you don't notice it until your friend is offline you can't even see what they said. But hey, it's a good start. Any of you Facebook chat junkies jumping for joy right now?