Calling All Crafters: Three Cute Techie Projects
"My boys (husband included, but especially the boys!) are obsessed with the game Angry Birds. They like the game, but they really like to play a real life version they invented, where they chuck objects at each other. (Don't worry! They use safe projectiles for this!) I want to make their game a little more fun for them, so I am creating some Angry Birds and pigs for them to play with!" 
Yes, you can have your own Angry Bird with a little sewing knowledge. The designer includes photos and patterns with simple to follow instructions, so get out those sewing machines and start building your Angry Bird army! For more awesome geek ideas, click on the more link! If you are lacking in sewing experience, you can make these quick, cheap and cute Angry Birds Ornaments! Simple to paint so they would make excellent last minute holiday gifts! A big thanks to Ye for sending this in! 
If those two projects aren't enough to quench your appetite for crafting, then maybe this one is! Whip up an iPhone cake! The cake is a bit more involved (and probably more advanced than my cake decorating skills) but it will sure turn heads at your next party for your favorite techie!  If you have any Android related crafts, we would love to see them! So get crafting!