Pocket-Lint Interviews HTC's Drew Bamford
"[Drew] Bamford, is the man responsible for making the 20 million HTC handsets sold this year easy to use. Director of User Experience for the Taiwanese company, Bamford's job is all about making HTC's Sense software for the company's dozens of phones around the globe work, and work well...Rather than focus on the physical hardware of the phone like Scott Croyle at One & Co , Bamford's job is all about HTC Sense." Pocket-Lint has been pretty busy - and that's good for us. After talking to Horace Luke on HTC's hardware design, they bring us Drew Bamford, who's in charge of HTC Sense. Nothing earth shattering, but a good read nonetheless about the thought process that goes into the design of Sense.
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."