Microsoft On Hacking WP7
"We anticipated that people would attempt to unlock the phones and explore the underlying operating system. We encourage people to use their Windows Phone as supplied by the manufacturer to ensure the best possible user experience. Attempting to unlock a device could void the warranty, disable phone functionality, interrupt access to Windows Phone 7 services or render the phone permanently unusable." 
Well, I thought that MS shouldn't do anything too drastic about people rooting their WP7 devices, and it appears that they won't. The statement above, in response to the ChevronWP7 app that came out a few days ago (pictured), is the equivalent of "Do what you want, but it's on your head". But I think that's the best case scenario for everybody - MS can concentrate on the vast majority who aren't power users, and disclaim any legal liability from those who want to push the boundaries a little bit.
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."