The Android Killer App: Does One Exist?

The author brings up a good point, if you can get past him carefully crafting his argument to eliminate everything about Android that makes it far superior to IOS. Once you rule out the OS, any apps directly from Google, and apps that are available on both platforms, what is there to bring an iPhone user over to the Android world? Yeah I know, just bare with me a moment. One thing he conveniently seems to forget is Flash, though I'm sure he'd argue that Flash isn't an app but a plugin so it doesn't count. Besides Flash and anything listed above is there anything that Android can do that the iPhone cannot? And I think more to his point, why are the developers focusing more on IOS than Android? I think before this might have been a valid question but now? At the rate Android is growing developers and software companies cannot ignore it. I think that has been the case in the past, however, with a robot army now marching across the world they have to stand up and take notice. Really, when you get down to it what can the iPhone do that Android cannot? The first things that come to mind for me are Netflix and Hulu, two things I would very much like to have on my phone. Besides these few differences I think the smartphone world may almost be to the point of the PC world. Apps won't really matter anymore. There isn't much can or can't do on one platform versus the other. At this point the platform itself becomes the choice. What do you guys think? Does Android have a killer app (as defined by the author)? Does it even need one?