11-16-2010, 12:00 AM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 214
Pocket Legends Beta for Android

Pocket Legends has arrived for your Android device. Setting up the account is free and simple, and the on-screen controls make it easy to navigate the 3D world. Check out the official support forums if you spot any bugs.

11-16-2010, 10:38 PM
Contributing Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,389
OMG this game is amazing! And rather addictive. 
It is fairly simple to play but the game mechanics are surprisingly complex for a mobile game. Nothing on the level of World of Warcraft but you have to worry about hit, crit, dodge and such. More than just hit points and mana. 
The classes are also very interesting. While there are only three main classes you can very easily customize how you want to play that class thought which spells you put skill points into. A warrior can very easily be a tank or just pure DPS, the caster can heal or nuke. It is a very fun game. Way more than I was expecting.
Only part that gets me, while it is free to play, they will get money out of you eventually with all the micro transactions. Spent real money to get platinum then use that to purchase stuff in the game. Anything from new levels to changing the way your character looks.
Oh well, i'm sure i'll drop some real money at some point to unlock some of the higher levels. We'll see if it can hold my interest that long.