Engadget Reviews The myTouch 4G: Maybe T-Mobile Shouldn't Have Touched It So Much
"Coming hot on the heels of the ultra-impressive G2, T-Mobile has returned to its myTouch series with the myTouch 4G. While the G2 is the natural enthusiast flagship, the 4G represents a flagship in its own right of a skinned, curated Android experience." 
Engadget has given the T-Mobile myTouch 4G a thorough going over in their lengthy review of the device. For the most part I must agree with them. When I first saw this device I dismissed it as a low to mid-range mass market Android device. It wasn't until I saw some of the benchmarks coming back that I perked up and started paying attention. The hardware design really doesn't do anything for me and the software... I totally agree that the software tries way too hard to be "user friendly" and just ends up taking too much away from what could otherwise be a great device. Hardware wise though this is still very impressive. Anyone looking forward to picking up the myTouch 4G?