Copy-Paste Coming To WP7 In January?
It looks like it won't be long before some of the bigger knocks against WP7 will be no more. WPCentral reports that Microsoft is preparing an update that will include not just copy/paste, but a slew of other improvements as well, including multi-tasking, turn-by-turn directions, and Skydrive/OWA support. That's quite a bit of work done since WP7 went gold, so I'm filing this under "I'll believe it when I see it", while I keep my fingers crossed. But the speed at which this update is apparently coming out, and the more direct mechanism with which Microsoft is delivering updates, makes a compelling case that things have changed for the better from the Windows Mobile days.
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."