Facebook for Android Update Is Coming
"PALO ALTO, Calif.--Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg today may have disappointed some people who were hoping to see Facebook release a phone. "There are rumors out there that Facebook is building a phone," Zuckerberg said this morning at the company's mobile event at its headquarters. "No."However, Android and iPhone users will have something to look forward to. In addition to announcing platform changes, Zuckerberg shared some updates to Facebook for iPhone and Android. The iPhone app will be receiving Facebook Groups, which recently made its debut on the social network. Facebook Places, its listing service, is also getting updated, and will include geotagging. In addition, after you check in to a location with Places, you'll be able to add a photo." 
Groups and Places will soon be coming to the Android version of Facebook's mobile application. Honestly Facebook for Android needs to step it up a bit - it's way behind iOS (And even Windows Phone 7) in looks and (some) functionality. Hopefully this update will be dropping quickly and we can start "placing" ourselves on the go!
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts