Canadians! Get Ready To Pay Bit By Bit!
"Metered internet usage is on the way, with the CRTC handing down its final decision on how wholesale customers can be billed by large network owners. The federal regulator on Thursday gave Bell Canada the approval to implement so-called usage-based billing to wholesale customers — usually smaller internet service providers that rent portions of its network — within 90 days." I have seen reports that suggest that Canadians are among those countries that pay the most for their Internet access. Looking at what prices can be had elsewhere, I would tend to agree. The CRTC's most recent ruling though, leads me to think that prices are either going to increase, or Canadians will just have to settle with having limited Internet connections where they have to watch everything they do. I am not going to argue that Canadians should see the same prices as those posted in Japan or several nations in the EU, but I cannot see how the recent decision for Usage Based Billing will help foster a digital nation intent on innovation. People will be afraid of testing out new services available on the Internet, assuming they are even offered here (How long did it take for Netflix to offer streaming in Canada? And with what selection?) leading to a nation of people behind the times. It seems to have turned more towards profit over vision.