"We got sent a question asking us: What would be better? A pro DSLR with a cheapo lens or a cheapo DSLR with an expensive lens? Well, we thought we'd answer that question in this video by asking two very different photographers to show us what they're like. We tested the Canon 1D Mark IV with a Sigma 28-300mm f/something and a Canon 550D with a 24-70mm f/2.8L. What produces better results? Watch the video to find out."
*sigh* The real answer to that question is, budget on what you can afford for a base system (camera plus a lens or a few lenses and accessories), then add lenses (again, that you can afford) as you go along. I really dislike these questions; I see them all too often, and they are usually connected to the idea of having the latest and the greatest to show off with.
So in the above situation, the best thing to do would buy a 7D with a 17-55/2.8 IS USM and start taking photos.
Baka. Soku. Zan. - The justice behind the dysORDer.