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Old 10-27-2010, 11:00 AM
Brad Wasson
Contributing Editor
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 118
Default Connecting Your WP7 Phone To Your Mac Now A Step Closer

"That didn't take long, did it? The promised beta of Windows Phone 7's Mac-friendly companion app is now available, bringing basic media sync capability -- notably with iTunes and iPhoto integration -- to that shiny new Microsoft-powered phone of yours."

Well, if you are a Mac owner and are considering purchasing a Windows Phone 7 smartphone, Microsoft's beta version of their new Windows Phone 7 Connector for Mac may just tip the scale in favor of that purchase. The utility will help you sync your media (photos and music, in particular) with your Mac. What is particularly interesting about this utility, is that it does not use the traditional file/folder metaphor for the sync mechanism. Instead, it leverages iTunes and iPhoto (the Mac's venerable music and photo management software) as the conduits for the syncing. So, if your media is managed with those apps then this new sync facility will be particularly attractive.

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