Gadget Census Reveals Android Rules Mid-Country And My Home State!
""The great state of California, home to Hollywood and the place Tony Bennett left his heart, casts its 83 votes for the iPhone." Meanwhile, "New Jersey, the Garden State, home to Tony Soprano and Thomas Edison pledge their votes to Android." In this make believe world, "electoral," or should we say "gadgetoral," votes are defined by how many smartphones of a particular type are represented in every state of the union. In fact, if the government felt it needed to "apportion" the nation by smartphone ownership, it could use the findings from Retrevo's 2010 Gadget Census that looked at what gadgets people own and how they use them, including data on how many smartphones are represented per capita in each state." 
Retrevo's Gadget Census results are in, and they're pretty interesting to me. Blackberries still rule the roost in most traditional "business" states like New York (My current home), iPhones are popular down south and in the trendy west (Sorry Oregon, you're not trendy, just kidding...). But Android seems to rule the middle of the country and (surprisingly to me) Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and my home state, Ohio. What do I see in the future? Well, I'd like to think that the "blackberry" states will slowly turn green, or at the least drop that antiquated OS for something newer and shinier!
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts